The Programme

The presentations will be held in English, except for the 20th afternoon session which is in French


NOVEMBER, 20th 2019 (Afternoon)

Introduction: Bioeconomy of the timber sector


This first session is dedicated to presentations dealing with how innovative end uses drawing on wood chemistry may transform traditional organisation of the forest and wood-derived industries and could add value and promote a better use of forest resources. It will include papers on raw material assessment (in terms of quality and quantity, forest resources or supply chains and cascading uses) and systems analysis (policy and economics, durability assessment, supply chains etc.) The session is dedicated to the participants of the Woodchem scientific conference and to forestry professionals. For forestry professionals (forest owners, forestry operators, wood transformers), it’ll offer the opportunity to know more about wood chemistry, opportunities it offers, and meet those who make it possible


3 pm – 4 pm: How should wood chemistry structured as a sector?

  • From wood co-products to innovative sustainable bioactives : a whole value chain to build !, Armand Klem, Project manager at Norske Skog
  • Wood chemistry must form part of an industrial strategy. Connections must be made between upstream and downstream in order to support its emergence, Francis Colin, Coordinator of the ExtraForEast project
  • Presentation of innovations and markets that may emerge from a new wood chemistry sector, Andreas Kleinschmit, Head of Innovation & Research and International Affairs at the FCBA

4.45 pm to 5.45 pm: Round table

Chaired by Claude Roy
Chair of Le Club des bio-économistes


Philippe Gérardin
Lecturer and Director of the LERMAB

Alain Jaquet
Director General of the Forêts & Bois de l’Est cooperative

Jean-Luc David Vaudrey
Chief Commercial Officer at Savoie Pan

Jean-Marc Seigneuret
Technical and R&D Director at Alban Muller

Régis Marchand
Open Innovation & Sustainable Innovation Manager
SEPPIC – Air Liquide Healthcare Specialty Ingredients


From 7 pm: Gala reception

Come along to continue the discussion and meet all participants from the WOODCHEM scientific conference.

Venue: Salle d’honneur des Universités

Reception buffet


NOVEMBER, 20th 2019 (Evening)

Gala diner – bringing together scientific conference participants and forestry professionnals




NOVEMBER, 21th 2019




This session is dedicated to the fractioning, biorefinery and development of new bio-sourced platform molecules derived from lignin and polysaccharides (C5 and C6 compounds). Examples of collaborative research programmes involving academics and manufacturers are particularly welcome.


08.30 am – 10.30 am : Keynotes

  • The steam explosion pretreatment for wood fractionation : a versatile process, Nicolas Brosse, Université de Lorraine, France


  • Combined production of second-generation ethanol and lignin pellets, Xavier Duret, Résolve Energie, Canada

    Resolve Energie is a Quebec-based start-up which started life in Université Sherbrooke. Its aim is to develop an industrial pilot for the production of cellulosic ethanol and lignin pellets for applications in the energy sectors from forest by-products.


  • Looking for Advanced Ingredients for Beauty Care. Knock on wood!, Régis Marchand, Seppic Air liquide, France

    SEPPIC is a chemical group that produces high-performance, innovative speciality ingredients manufactured using eco-friendly methods and following the 12 principles of green chemistry with applications in numerous sectors including beauty care, pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, animal health and materials.


  • Wood as a source of chemical building blocks for functionnal compounds, Christine Charbonnier Gérardin, Université de Lorraine, France


10.30 am – 11.00 am : Coffee break and poster session


11:00 am – 12.30 pm : Oral communications


12.30 pm – 14.00 pm : Lunch and poster session





This session is dedicated to the extraction, characterisation and uses of secondary metabolites derived from wood. Uses may include antioxidants, antiseptics, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics or any other applications… Examples of collaborative research programmes involving academics and manufacturers are particularly welcome.


14.00 pm – 16.00 pm : Keynotes

  • Innovative wood extracts on their way towards the markets : product innovation pathway, Armand Klem, Norske Skog


  • Le Bol d’air Jacquier, Marie Laure Delanef, Holiste, France

    Holiste is developing an innovative process that promotes cellular oxygenation to improve the organism’s response to various pathologies. The process uses an active ingredient derived from the hydro-distillation of pine resin in Les Landes region of France.


  • Black locust : an example of metabolite derived from wood for cosmetics used and phytopharmaceutical applications, Valérie Serrano, Alabn Muller International, France

    Alban Muller International specialises in the production of high-quality plant extracts for use in cosmetics, particularly natural beauty products.


  • Different approaches for the valorization of extractives of French Guyana wood species, Nadine Amusant, CIRAD, French Guiana


  • French Guiana forest biomass, a sustainable source of highly bioactive compounds for various added-value markets. Economic model of integration and circular economy approach, Mariana Royer, Bio Stratege Guyane, French Guiana

    Bio Stratege Guyane is a start-up specialising in the development of natural, eco-friendly products from French Guiana. The company specialises in plant eco-extraction with the aim of developing natural ingredients for a range of high added-value markets including cosmetics.


16.00 pm – 16.30 pm : Coffee break and poster session


16.30 pm – 18.00 pm : Oral communications


NOVEMBER, 22th 2019 (Morning)




This session is dedicated to the development of new materials derived from wood. It will cover solid wood modification, new composites from wooden biomass as well as new resins or polymers obtained from molecules or macromolecules extracted from wood. Here too, examples of collaborative research programmes involving academics and manufacturers are particularly welcome. Simultaneous interpretation available in English and French.


08.30 am – 10.30 am : Keynotes

  • Innovative macromolecular architectures from aromatic building blocks extracted from wood: Our overview, Luc Averous, Université de Strasbourg, France


  • From lignin to PU insulation foams: An industrial success story, Alexandru Sarbu, SOPREMA, France

    SOPREMA is one of the world’s leading players in the waterproofing, insulation and building protection sectors. Supported by a particularly active R&D department, SOPREMA has developed various waterproofing and insulation products based on the use of biosourced, wood-derived molecules.


  • Suitability of mono-phenols from lignin for wood treatment, Vladimirs Biziks, Georg-August University Goettingen, Germany


10.30 am – 11.00 am : Coffee break and poster session


11.00 am – 12.30 pm : Oral communications


12.30 pm – 14.00 pm : Lunch




: Success stories presented by companies which innovate with wood-based chemistry

Scientific Committee

Chairman of WOODCHEM® 2019: Professeur Philippe GERARDIN, Professor, Director of LERMAB, University of Lorraine

Pr Florent Allais, AgroParisTech, France

Pr. Luc Averous, University of Strasbourg, France

Pr. Nicolas Brosse, University of Lorraine, France

Pr. Alain Celzard, University of Lorraine, France

Pr. Christine Chirat, Grenoble INP-Pagora, France

Dr. Francis Colin, INRA, France

Pr. Christine Gérardin, University of Lorraine, France

Ms Amandine Goubert, Cosmetic Valley, France

Pr. Stéphane Grelier, University of Bordeaux, France

Pr Haswan Hussin, University Sains Malaysia, Malaisie

Mr Armand Klem, Norske Skog Golbey, France

Dr. Bernard Kurek, INRA, France

Pr. Marie Pierre Laborie, University of Freiburg, Germany

Dr. Marie-Christine Lagel, Pôle Fibres-Energivie, France

Ms Marina Lopez-Guia, Xylofutur, France

Pr. Holger Militz, University of Göttingen, Germany


Mr Rémi Perrin, Soprema, France

Pr. Arthur Ragauskas, University of Tennessee, USA

Pr. Lennart Salmen, RISE/Biorefinery, Sweden

Pr. Wasrin Syafii, Bogor University, Indonesia

Mr Jacky Vandeputte,  Pôle IAR Pôle de la bioéconomie, France

Mr. Pascal Xanthopoulos, Polybridge, France

Pr. Lu Xiaoning, Nanjing Foustry University, Chine





Register with Woodchem® 2019


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Check out our rate to participate in the conference,
the meeting with forestry professionals and the cocktail-dinner.

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On the 20th, a special program to bring forestry professionals together with Woodchem participants.

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